The Wyoming Statutes include many restrictions.

W.S. § 35-6-118

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Requires that minors get parental consent in writing and then wait 48 hours before having an abortion.

W.S. § 35-6-117

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Prohibits the use of state Medicaid funds for abortion except in cases of incest, reported sexual assault, or endangerment of the woman’s life.

Other Statutes and Constitution

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  • Other statutes deal with abortion reporting, who may perform abortions (only physicians), post-viability abortions, refusing to perform abortions,  biased counseling, and other issues.

  • The Wyoming Constitution in Article 1 Section 38 provides that each competent adult shall have the right to make his or her own health care decisions and the State of Wyoming shall act to preserve these rights from undue governmental infringement.

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