Access to Reproductive Resources

The right to choose abortion is essential to ensuring a person can decide if, when, and with whom to have a family. We’ll never stop fighting to protect and expand this fundamental human right.

Pro-Choice Wyoming will continue to fight to keep abortion safe and legal for everyone. We will mobilize to defeat attacks in the states and in Congress. We’ll help elect candidates who will be champions for reproductive freedom. We will continue to educate, inform, and rally the public to protect and expand the fundamental human right of all people to make their own decisions about their lives.


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Abortions remain legal and available in Wyoming pending our ongoing lawsuit. Stay tuned for additional updates. In Wyoming, parental consent was required for patients under age 18, but the status of that requirement is unclear as a result of the repeal of existing abortion laws.  Contact clinics or Chelsea’s Fund for more information.

Individuals may access abortion services in Wyoming and neighboring states.


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Pro-Choice Wyoming believes people should have choices about whether and when to become pregnant. Preventing unintended pregnancy is critically important.

  • Family planning information, services, and products are available many places.  These include physicians’ and clinicians’ medical practices, family planning clinicspublic health clinics, community health centers, and pharmacies.

  • Information about various birth control products is available from many sources.  These include the Reproductive Health Access Project and the Wyoming Health Council.

  • Health care plans under the Affordable Care Act must cover preventive health services, including birth control. However, there are provisions for religious exemptions that unfortunately allow some employers to evade this requirement.

  • Some insurance companies may be trying to make people pay for contraceptive services.  The National Women’s Law Center has a hotline, CoverHer, to help people who are having trouble getting access to preventive health services – especially birth control – at no cost to them.


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What is emergency contraception (also known as “the morning-after pill”)?

  • Emergency contraception (EC) prevents pregnancy. EC will not disrupt an existing pregnancy.

  • EC pills work best if taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex but may work up to 5 days after.

  • EC is safe for people of all ages to use.

  • There are no age or point-of-sale restrictions on the OTC purchase of 1.5-mg LNG EC products (Plan B One-Step® and generic equivalents).

  • Any person of any age can purchase LNG EC products without needing to show ID.

Emergency contraception in Wyoming:

  • Many pharmacies and clinics stock various types of EC products.

  • Family planning clinics also have EC.

[Source: American Society for Emergency Contraception; American College of Clinical Pharmacy Women’s Health Practice & Research Network]

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