It’s been a tough road, rest up!

It’s been a tough road!

Two years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade decision, taking away our freedom to make healthcare choices. Since then, many lawmakers have banned or restricted abortion in nearly half the states, often ignoring what their constituents want.

Some are trying to ban abortion and other lifesaving healthcare -like IVF, contraception, miscarriage care and more- nationwide, even in states where it is allowed.

In Wyoming, abortion remains legal. We MUST continue to remind our representatives that we value personal freedom, including healthcare choices.

In fact, most Wyoming residents believe that personal medical decisions should be left to the individual, their faith, and their doctors, not the government. Wyomingites deserve to be free from government interference.

Pro-Choice Wyoming insists on protecting individuals' freedom to make reproductive decisions without political obstruction.

Thank you for walking with us in solidarity!

While the fight for freedom and to hold dishonest politicians accountable is not over, we could not do this important work without supporters like you. Pro-Choice Wyoming will continue to stand for freedom in the Equality State.

In 2025, our grassroots pro-choice advocacy for reproductive health will continue:

  • We will ORGANIZE to make sure that our state and local leaders hear from their constituents – the 7 in 10 Americans who support safe and legal abortion.

  • We will WORK IN PARTNERSHIP with allies to prevent anti-choice and regressive policies from being enacted.

  • We will SUPPORT LAWMAKERS who will be champions for reproductive freedom.

Your support means so much…

Your generous gifts of support are key to this fight for freedom. Whether it’s $1 or $1000, or the purchase of a t-shirt or hoodie, your contributions are deeply appreciated. (Donate here)

And…money isn’t everything! Each time you write to your representatives, join us at an event, support lawmakers who will fight to protect access to healthcare, or even talk to your family, friends, or community about reproductive freedom, you are with us!

We are so very grateful to each and every one of you.

We have a challenging fight ahead but together we will stay strong. Wishing you and yours peace in the new year- rest up and then let’s get back out there!


Janean ‘Birdie’ Forsyth

Executive Director, Pro-Choice Wyoming


House Bills 42 and 64: Wyoming Reproductive Freedom Coalition Comprehensive Talking Points Resource Guides


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